2024 june 21 d.–october 01 d.
Installation “Vėjalaikis“ by Žilvinas Kempinas at the Vilnius Cathedral Bell Tower
The Vilnius Cathedral bell tower has been welcoming visitors for a decade now. In celebration of this milestone, we proudly presented the installations Vėjalaikis by Žilvinas Kempinas, crafted exclusively for this historic space. It marked the first encounter between contemporary art and the ancient tower.
2024 june 05 d.–october 05 d.
The Voice of Lithuania During the Years of the Cold War
The exhibition traced the history of Lithuanian chapels (Chapel of Our Lady of Šiluva in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington and Chapel of Our Lady Mater Misericordiae in the grottoes of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican), underscoring their significance for the Lithuanian diaspora and for Lithuania under occupation. It specifically examined the artistic milieu that enabled Lithuanian artists, war refugees, to integrate into the artistic landscapes of their host countries and make their mark on an international stage.
2023 september 29 d.–2024 april 27 d.
May They All Be One: 400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St Josaphat Kuntsevych
The international exhibition was inaugurated on September 29 at the Church Heritage Museum. It was served as a commemoration of the saint’s martyrdom, coinciding with the 700th anniversary of Vilnius. The city of Vilnius holds a special place in the history of St Josaphat, as it marks the beginning of his monastic journey and the unfolding of his pastoral activities. It was in the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Vilnius that St Josaphat, alongside Josyf Veliamin Rutski, initiated reforms in monastic life and established the Basilian Order.
2023 september 01 d.–2024 march 31 d.
Exhibition-game "The Bell Tower - Vilnius Timeline"
The exhibition was dedicated to recall the most important events and people of our city, state, and Church - all of which are points of reference for understanding the changes in Vilnius. As visitors climbed up, they admired the city, discovered the bell tower, and retraced the timeline of Vilnius as it unfolds here.
2023 june 07 d.
The Twelve. Illustrations and Comics
Exhibition presented the first disciples of Jesus Christ who were called apostles (Greek apostolos, ‘messenger’). The New Testament reads that Jesus originally called twelve disciples. They were Peter, James the Elder, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Less, Judas Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.
2023 march 15 d.–august 26 d.
THEATRUM BIBLICUM. Scenes from the Easter Prelude
Exhibition Theatrum biblicum (The Bible Theatre) of the Church Heritage Museum was dedicated to scenography. It presented a unique collection of baroque Holy Week and Easter decorations discovered in the last decade, painted scenes from the Old and New Testaments from St. James the Apostle Church in Švėkšna and from the collections of other Lithuanian churches and museums.
2022 december 17 d.–2023 may 31 d.
Barbora etc.
The exhibition was dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Barbara Radziwiłł‘s birth. The title originates from the queen’s letter correspondence and is a nod to the signature form that she frequently used – “Barbara, etc.”. This was an unusually modest and simple way to sign the documents for someone who was the Queen of Poland and the Grand Duchess of Lithuania. Therefore, the exhibition encouraged visitors to reacquaint themselves with one of the most popular women of Lithuanian history in a completely new light, not only through the lens of a love story between her and king Sigismund Augustus. The exhibition covered various aspects of the noblewoman’s life – from health and diet to wardrobe, literacy, and geography – and invited the visitor to discover them by engaging all of the senses.
2014 june 02 d.–2017 july 03 d.
The Old Baptismal Font of the Žemaičių Kalvarija Church
The old baptismal font of Žemaičių Kalvarija from the middle of the 18th century is famous both for its beauty and history. The impressive vessel is carved from linden and oak, and is decorated with carvings, metal details and polychromy. It is gilded and silvered.
Very few wooden Baroque baptismal fonts have survived in Lithuania. The present font is a unique utensil of this kind of such an intricate composition and iconography.
2011 november 17 d.–2012 december 01 d.
Sacred Goldsmithery of Vilnius
The exhibition presents the historical goldsmithery of Vilnius, collected in the sacristies of churches, which, like everything else in Lithuania, has been severely affected and irreversibly scattered by numerous historical cataclysms, occupations, wars and the economic recessions that accompanied them.