Parodos kuratorės: dr. Sigita Maslauskaitė, Rita Pauliukevičiūtė.
Parodos architektės: Julija Reklaitė, Ieva Cicėnaitė.
Rėmėjai: Vilniaus arkivyskupija, Kelno arkivyskupija, Kultūros rėmimo fondas, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė, UAB „Baltisches Haus“.
The exhibition presents the historical goldsmithery of Vilnius, collected in the sacristies of churches, which, like everything else in Lithuania, has been severely affected and irreversibly scattered by numerous historical cataclysms, occupations, wars and the economic recessions that accompanied them.
Most of the liturgical vessels on display in the exhibition have not been exhibited before. Visitors have the opportunity to have a close look at the unique monstrance of the Karkažiškės Church from the beginning of the 17th century, the unexpectedly "discovered" monstrance of the Barklainiai Church made by Jonas Friedrich Šemnieks, the monstrance of the Rūdnininkai Church, which is surprising for its purity of the classical style, and to discover the beauty of a painting of the Virgin Mary of Rykantai.